Well hello my friends!! It has been over a year since my last post. This time last year I was busy building a life size Skeksi, and absolutely nothing interesting has happened in the world since then......

Of course I'm kidding. A pandemic later here we are. Did I finish the Skeksi? Not exactly. The project got derailed when it met with a cat related accident, and then just sort of got put on hold. Right now I'm building a scarecrow for my balcony. It's not as grandiose a project, but folks, I'm so tired. This year has been one for the books.

I've been building my portfolio and doing a lot of writing. I have a play debuting later this month, and another in December, and possibly a third (pending approval). I have revitalized my alter ego, Jacqueline Nym, joined two governing boards for two separate Theatre companies, joined two writing groups, and thanks to the pandemic, I'm homeschooling two little people. Life has been nuts.

But despite all of that, I'm hoping to get back to posting here more often. I would rather put my thoughts here than in some random Facebook post or Tweet. I have missed blogging. I apologize in advance because I can be extremely inconsistent with my posting. In the meantime...here's a coffee monster...
